Habonim Dror North America is embarking on a new project along with its sister movement, Hanoar HaOved VeHaLomed and its graduate movement, Dror Israel. For the first time in decades, shlichim will be coming to HDNA camps from our own graduate movement.
As movement graduates and members of Urban Educators' Kibbutzim in Israel, these shlichim know what chalutzic life in Israel is like, possess extensive youth movement work experience, and are motivated by a personal investment in the connection between the movements.
This project is based on decisions made at HDNA's recent veida, as well as HaNoar HaOved's veida. The bogrim of HDNA in Dror Israel are happy to invite you to join us as partners in this new and exciting endeavor.
The Dreamers and Builders fund is based on the principles of HDNA camps – giving what you can, so that the HDNA we know and love can benefit and grow from the deepening partnership between sister movements.
Suggested donation amounts are $50, $100, $180, $500, or $1,000 according to your ability.
Pease donate now using the link below.
Habonim Dror Foundation
227 West 29 Street, #8R
New York, NY 10001
Canadian donors can contact us here for information about a Canadian tax receipt.